Anim Wallpaper Free Print

See all your favorite animated GIF files directly on your Wallpaper.

Have fun custumizing it,
changing the speed of animation and dimensions,
apply the Panorama effect to slide animation on all your screen,
and setting the background color of your choice
...and more!

Finally, You can animate your favorite GIF file on your Android phone


How to install Anim Wallpaper:

After You download from Market you must go under wallpapers menu e choose "live wallpapers", then select Anim Wallpaper e configure it.

By default AnimWallpaper has only a GIF as internally, but through the "Choose a GIF animation" you can safely select the image you like.

Once you've chosen the image, you can customize it ... learn how



The actual settings that you can use are:

  • Choose a Gif animation
  • Panorama effect
  • Speed effect
  • View Date and Time
  • Date Time Color...
  • Date Time Top Margin
  • Background Color...
  • Change animation speed
  • Animation size



Settings Overview

These are all the settings, but soon it will be implemented much more ... stay tuned ;)


Choose a Gif animation

With this option you can choose a file on your phone or in your sdcard

Remember that every time you select a new image, all other settings will be set on the default. This is to optimize to loading of GIF, which require more memory or CPU for processing.





Panorama effect

By selecting this option, the GIF images that are larger than one screen will be distributed on all available Home screens of your phone.

Below you can see an example of a GIF spread over 3 screens


Panorama Effect



Date Time Color

With this option you can decide what color is the text of the Date and Time. You can choose the color by setting the amount of the three components of RGB.
Tap the first gradient and bring to 255 the color red, you will see results in real time on the background screen




Animation Size

Here you can scale you GIF up 4x zooming (set 400 value)

Press the RESET button to return to 100% of the original Gif size

Be careful, too magnifying the image, it also consumes a lot of memory and the image loses definition.

Unfortunately, Android allows up to 12Mb of memory for each process, then I recommend you use images that weigh a few KB (about 400KB) and do not have many frames. As each frame is more or less multiplied by the weight of the image (eg 400Kb X 20 frames = 8MB!!!)

animation size